I think it’s marvelous that there are people you can call to work on your plumbing or your furnace and others who can fix your car. There are doctors for the body and counselors for the soul, chefs and pet groomers and paper pushers. There are literally hundreds of thousands of niches and jobs that are more suited for specific people with specific skills or gifts. We are not all good at the same things; we need each other!
My husband can fix a website, repair a toilet or build a chicken pen. I am not good at those kinds of things, but I can counsel the hurting, research any health problem and I write a great article, blog post or letter! Each of us has been given gifts to use on behalf of others, and of course we can also take classes or training to hone or improve those skills. The main thing is that whatever we are good at, the things we do well; we should be doing with all our heart! The world needs electricians who know their stuff and singers who lift our hearts and game wardens to keep the animals safe! We all have something to offer and we are each important in our own unique ways!
Your community doesn’t need a million Einsteins or 100,000 carpenters, they need your talents and your neighbors skills and for every person to contribute their part of the puzzle. Far too many people struggle along in jobs they hate where they are not using their God-given gifts. Others are inhibited by insecurity and lack of confidence or just unwilling to take a chance on doing something that they think they would enjoy. We often undervalue what we inherently do well because of fear or busyness.
We must sometimes take risks to find where we best fit and can enjoy our work and help others in the process. Don’t let circumstances hold you back from doing what you were created to do! Do yourself and your world a huge favor…….Pursue the things you love and the things that come most naturally to your hand! You might be surprised to find their is a niche just for you out there and finding it will lead you to joy!